Did you know that the whole concept of bridal veils emerged in ancient Rome, where the brides would appear clad in a saffron-colored haze? This was supposed to pay homage to the goddess of home and provider of life, Vesta. This concept grew and grew till finally no wedding outfit is considered complete without putting on a headpiece and veil. Even though for most brides in the modern era this veil functions as a fashion icon or at most a traditional icon rather a religious icon, it surely does transform you from your daily persona to a beautiful image of a bride.

There are some people who object to the veil representing a woman being handed over to the man. However, the veil does have a practical aspect to it as it can protect you from inquisitive stares and rude glares and maintain your privacy while you walk down the aisle.

Nowadays, you have many option to choose from. You can either buy the veils that designers show with their gowns, or you can customize your own veils. There are many factors to consider that contribute to the final style and mood of your dress. Among this factors are number of layers, length, fabric, and shade. It is a wonder how such a small piece of garment can make or break the whole of your outfit.

The cascade

Bridal Veils can be put into different categories. The cascade is a bridal veil that consists of two or more layers of various lengths. The number of layers can be added or removed to adjust the amount of ‘oomph’ that a veil has. The bottom layer serve the purpose of fluffing out the top veil, much like a petticoat does for a gown. Care should be taken that not too many layers are added, otherwise the veil will lose out in its translucence and make the bride look rather scary. You should keep in mind that this type of veil contributes to an old fashioned look so it might look out of place in a modern setting.


Another type of bridal veil is the Mantilla. It is a long, Spanish-style, circular piece of face framing. A comb usually secures this and it can be attached to a high metal armature. The fabric used in making the Mantilla is either lace or lace-edged tulle. A quick tip to make sure that the fabric drapes gracefully is to sew clear plastic snaps on the shoulders of your dress as well as the mantilla.


The Ballerina style, also known as Waltz, is one in which the fabric reaches till just above the floor, while the fingertip style reaches the fingertips only. This goes very well is ball gowns, which is why it is one of favorites of most brides. A much shorter version is the Birdcage, whose length reaches just below the chin and covers the face. This is sometimes worn attached to a small sized hat and gives a tidy ‘proper’ look.

You can easily choose one of these types of bridal veils and be sure that one of them will match your outfit and make you look perfect for your big day!

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